On Monday, 3/11/2024, the Town Council meeting was called to order by Deb Shumate, Town Council President. Other Council members present were Mark Marsee and Drew Olman. All present joined in giving the Pledge of Allegiance.
Meeting Minutes: After reviewing the minutes, from the February 12, 2024 regular meeting, a motion was made by Drew Olman to approve the minutes. Mark Marsee seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and the motion carried.
Claims/Financials/Payroll: After review of the claims and payroll from February 12 — March 11, a motion was made by Mark Marsee to approve. Drew Olman seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and the motion carried.
Town Manager Report: Report for February was submitted and presented by Doug Price. Doug also recommended and asked for the boards approval for Sydney's Jones evaluation raise.
Town Marshall Report: Report for February was submitted by Phillip Wilson, Town Marshall.
Milan Park Board Report: There was no report. Derek Helton did state that the Park Board had decided on which murals will be painted on the shelters and was those shared with the board.
Old/Continuing Business:
Meter Re-Read Fee: A motion was made by Mark Marsee to Table. Drew Olman seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and the motion carried,
After Hours Call-In Fee: Ordinance is being written
New Business:
Maguire Iron, Inc Invoice for $90,000.00 (100% Design Drawings, Bonds & Insurance): A motion was made by Mark Marsee to approve the invoice. Drew Olman seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and the motion carried.
Maguire Iron, Inc Invoice for $49,884.63 (48% Steel Purchases): A motion was made by Drew Olman to approve the invoice. Mark Marsee seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and the motion carried.
Proclamation Day: March 23 - 1954 Milan Miracle Day: A motion was made by Drew Olman to approve the proclamation declaring March 23, 2024 as "1954 Milan Miracle Day". Mark Marsee seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and the motion carried.
Key to the Town: A motion was made by Drew Olman to present the members of the Milan Miracle Team a Key to the Town. Mark Marsee seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and the motion carried.
Public Items/Comments on Agenda Items:
Solicitation Approval for Road Block (Milan Summer Baseball) 4/6/24: A motion was made by Drew Olman to approve. Mark Marsee seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and the motion carried.
Summer Baseball/Softball Opening Day Parade: Lydsey Debolt & Katie Ruan presented the idea of having an "Opening Day" Parade on April 27, 2024 starting at 10am, and would consist of the Summer Baseball, Summer Softball, and the High School Teams. The parade route would be the same as the homecoming parade route. A motion was made by Mark Marsee to approve. Drew Olman seconded that motion. The motion was put to a vote and the motion carried.
Katherine Workman mentioned to the board that she would like to see the payment received date on the bill as the date paid and not the applied date. The board stated they would take it under advisement.
Janie Vinup asked the board why wasn't there a fence requested for the Carpenter property at 400 S Main St., when Ron Myers was asked to put one up. The board stated they would take it under advisement.
Katie Ruan asked the board if they would check into providing an AED machine in the vicinity of the Girls Softball Field. The board stated they would check into that.
There were no other comments from the public.
As there was no further business to be conducted by the Town Council, Drew Olman made a motion to adjourn and Mark Marsee seconded that motion. The next regular meeting of the Town Council is scheduled to be held April 15, 2024 at 6:30 pm.