Meeting called to order by Debbie Schumate, Council President, on Monday September 12, 2022 at 6:30pm. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance. All Council members present.
First order of business was the Public Hearing of the 2023 budget.
Minutes of August 2022 meetings were presented, these were approved as written. Mark Marsee making the motion with Drew Olman seconding. All ayes.
Claims/Financials/Payroll: After review of the claims presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Drew, seconded by Mark. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Town Manager's Report: Same presented by Doug Price. Doug was asked about the measured meters. He said we could provide them at a cost of $100.00 per meter.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Phillip Wilson, Town Marshall.
Milan Park Board Report: Derek Helton gave update. Derek stated the mulch had been put down and the Park Board was working on a health fair for this fall.
Old Business/Continuing Business:
Speed Tables on Country Club Drive was approved by a motion from Mark and a second by Debbie Shumate. These would be installed by Traffic Logic, cost will be $10,567.32. Doug presented bid to Council prior to approval.
Sidewalk replacement at W. Carr and Franklin was tabled until next meeting. Museum is planning to install both street lights and sidewalks, at this time there is no timeline for this project.
New Business:
Solicitation request for Milan Youth Football was presented to Council. Drew made motion to approve and waive fees, Mark seconded. All ayes. Motion passed.
Trick or Treat will be set for 10/31/22. Hours will be 5-7. Drew made motion, Mark seconded. All ayes.
107 Preble: Business is being operated out of residential area. Attorney Fledderman stated that this will need to be re-investigated after discussing with County. This matter was tabled until next meeting in order to gather more information.
Misc./Comments/Concerns from Public: Date of next Town Council meeting was changed to 10/17/22 by a motion from Drew and a second from Mark. All ayes.
Sandy Seiber voiced her complaint again concerning 516 Vine St. She stated that this property should have been cleaned up by now. There have been some clean up, but property is still in violation.
Sandy also, had questions concerning abandoned alleys in Town limits. This issue will have to be researched at the courthouse.
Sandy asked about the timeline concerning clean up of 516 Vine. Attorney Fledderman said there is no set timeline.
Authorization to file against non-compliant property owners was motioned by Debbie and seconded by Mark.
Jane Vinup asked who will pay for the electricity in the Lion's Club lot. This will be up to the Museum. She also, asked if the area where the speed tables are being installed is a town street. She was informed that this area is a town road. She stated that there are numerous streets throughout town that have the same problem with speeding. Are we going to address these areas the same way as Country Club Drive? Jane asked about the old Super Val Store building, stating it needs cleaned up. Attorney Fledderman stated she needs paperwork.
Sally Gosmeyer stated her concern about the run down condition Of the old computer business on W. Carr St., she wanted to know who owns the property. Drew asked Doug to add to the list of violations
Drew moves to adjourn meeting, Mark Seconds. All Ayes
Meeting adjourned.