Meeting called to order by President, Deborah Shumate, on Monday Mar. 14, 2022 at 6:30pm. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance. All council members present.
Minutes of February meetings were presented to Council. Minutes were approved as written. Mark Marsee made the motion to approve with Drew Olman seconding. All ayes. Minutes approved.
Claims/Financial's/Payroll: After review of the claims presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Drew, seconded by Mark. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Town Report: Same presented by Doug Price.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Marshal Wilson.
Milan Park Board Report: No report.
New Business: Solicitation request for Milan Ladies Auxiliary and the Fireworks Committee were approved by a motion from Drew and a second from Mark. This vote, also, waived fees as long as rules are followed.
Deborah Shumate stated that we are looking for quotes for a new awning for the Town Hall.
Old/Continuing Business: None.
Miscellaneous Business: Rob Bradley introduced himself to the Council and people in attendance. He will be running for Ripley Co. Sheriff.
Drew made motion to adjourn, Mark seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned.