Meeting called to order by Deborah Shumate, on Monday, November 8, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. All Town Council Members were present. All present joined in giving the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of October, 2021 were presented. There being no additions, corrections, or deletions to said minutes, they were approved by a motion from Mark Marsee and a second from Drew Olman. All ayes.
Claims/Financial/Payroll : After review, motion to accept and pay claims made by Drew and seconded by Mark. Motion carried. All ayes.
Town Report: Same presented by Derek Helton.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Phillip Wilson, Town Marshall
Milan Park Board Report: No report,
Old/Continuing Business: No continued business.
New Business: Gary Norman gave a presentation via online due to illness. He discuss and provided information on the SIRPC Grant. Debbie Shumate suggest tabling until more information is provided and Attorney Fledderman can advise Council. Mark made motion to table, Drew seconded. All ayes.
Invoice from Curry and Associates: after discussion by Council, Clerk is instructed to contact SIRPC and Curry for clarification on Invoice and discuss how this is to be paid. After contacting both parties, invoice is to be paid accourdingly.
Ordinance 2021-11-1 (American Rescue Plan): Mark made motion to proceed under suspension of rule, Drew seconded. All ayes
First reading of Ordinance 2021-11-1 was approved by a motion from Mark and a second from Drew.
Second reading of Ordinance 2021-11-1 was approved by a motion from Drew and a second from Mark. All ayes.
Ordinance 2021-11-2 (Amend 90.058 Violation Notice) was presented to Council. First reading was approved by a motion from Mark and a second from Drew. All ayes.
Misc/Concerns/Comments from the public: Gene Pitts, representing Milan Lions Club, informed Council that the gentlemen who previously installed the Christmas decoration would no longer be able to do this. He asked if the Town employees could help with installation. Debbie informed him that she knew someone who may be willing to help with this project. She will get in touch with him and get back to Mr. Pitts. Derek assured him that the Town will help in any way possible.
Kelly Brown asked Council if she and her husband could purchase from the Town, property connected to their property located at 306 Josephine. Derek told Council that he was under the impression that this land in question was for access to farm land behind 306 Josephine. Mrs. Brown will do some research and get back to Council.
Julie Gilbert asked Council if they could activate the flashing lights in front of the High School during the Christmas Walk. She was informed that the school would be in charge of doing this and she was given contact information.
Drew moves to adjourn meeting, second by Mark. Meeting adjourned.