Meeting called to order by Deborah Shumate, Council President, on Monday June 14, 2021 at 6:30pm. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of May 10, 2021 were presented. Drew Olman made a motion to accept. Mark Marsee seconded. All ayes.
Claims/Financials/Payroll: After review of the claims presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Mark Marsee, seconded by Drew Olman. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Town Report: Same presented by Derek Helton.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Marshal Phillip Wilson.
Milan Park Board Report: Same presented by Derek Helton. Yellow lines have been painted on basketball court. Eight benches have been completed. Some playground equipment needs replaced and the Park Board is working with the school to get this equipment replaced.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Thelma Laws presented to Council a bill she had to pay to have her sewer line repaired. She stated that this was needed due to our line being clogged. After review of information, Council agreed to repay Mrs. Laws the money. Mark Marsee made motion to reimburse the cost of $762.89. Debby Shumate seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.
Rita Ester addressed Council concerning the overgrown farm behind her property. This matter will have to be brought to Attorney Fledderman to see what options we can use. There is an issue as to zoning issues. Mrs. Ester, also, brought up the problem of some people leaving their garbage cans by the road on Josephine St. She suggested putting a notice on monthly bills to have cans moved after garbage pick up.
Sally Gosmeyer asked what is being done to clean up properties. Debby told her we are working on getting properties cleaned up. Mrs. Gosmeyer, also, asked what the plans were for killing the vegetation in the pond. Debby told her we are working to find someone to do this. Derek had a quote from one company. We will try to get more. Another question she had for Council was concerning fireworks. She wanted to know if the money left would be available for an organization if they were to take on the task of providing fireworks. Debby told her the money would be given to what ever organization took on the project.
Mrs. Ester asked if the police could park one of their cruiser's at Mary McKittrick's home to cut down on people speeding and running the stop sign. Officer Wilson said that could not be done, but, they would patrol that area more often.
Mr. Harry Wise asked Council if there was anything we could do about the traffic on the side street along Tom Tepe's. Officer Wilson explained that it was a private road belonging to the car dealership.
Old Business:
The pond vegetation problem was brought up and Officer Wilson made the suggestion to contact the Corp Of Engineers again about dredging. This will be looked into along with trying to find more contacts for removing vegetation.
New Business:
Application for Solicitations (Dollars for Scholars and Friends of Milan Football)were presented. Mark made motion to accept and waive fees with Drew seconding. All ayes.
Miscellaneous Business:
Clerk-Treasurer asked to change date of meeting in October. Meeting will be changed to 10/18/21 by a motion from Mark and a second from Drew. All ayes.
Drew made a motion to adjourn. Mark seconded. All ayes.
Meeting adjourned.