Meeting called to order by Deborah Shumate, Council President, on Monday, December 13, 2021 at 6:30p.m. All Town Council Members were present. All present joined in giving the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of November meetings were presented. There being no additions, corrections, or deletions to said minutes, they were approved by a motion from Mark Marsee and a second by Drew Olman.
Claims/Financials/Payroll: After review, motion to accept and pay claims made by Drew and a second by Mark. Motion carried. All ayes.
Town Report: Same presented by Doug Price.
Town Marshall's Report: Town Marshall was unable to attend.
Milan Park Board Report: Park Board Absent from meeting.
Old Business:
Pike Lumber submitted a letter of support and abatement. They are ready to start "Phase 4" of their expansion.
Gary Norman asked Board approval for SEI REDI grant. Drew made motion to approve, Mark seconded. This is to be paid from River Boat.
Invoice for Curry and Assoc. was presented to Council to be approved for payment. The remaining balance is to be paid 1/2 from sewer and 1/2 from water.
New Business:
Solicitation request presented was approved and fees waived by a motion from Mark and a second from Drew. Fees waived as long as rules are followed.
Second reading of Ordinance 2021-11-2 (grass clippings) was approved by a motion from Mark and a second by Drew. All ayes.
Misc/Comments/Concerns from Public:
Kelly Brown asked to purchase area owned by Town connecting to her property. Debbie informed her we are going to have a Special Meeting next Tues to discuss this issue.
Sally Gosmeyer thanked the town employees for their help with the Christmas Walk.
Melissa Teer submitted a petition from area home owners concerning lack of internet service in their subdivision. Debbie informed her that at this time the Town could not help, but we will continue to work with them to find a solution.
Gerry Driggers asked how far back does the internet come behind the High School?
Drew Moves to adjourn meeting, second by Mark. Meeting Adjounred
Executive meeting was held 12/21/2021 at the Milan Town Hall at 5:30 p.m.
All council members present.
This meeting was held to discuss Town issues.
Meeting called to order by Deborah Shumate, on Tuesday, 12/21/21. All board members present.
First order of business was purchase of property by Kelly Brown. After discussion it was determined that the town could not sell this property because it is an easement to other properties.
Second order of business: Salary increase for employees and Council. 4% increase across the board, except for new hires. Tristen Bruns will receive a rate increase to $17.30, this will match the rate increase given to Ryan Carpenter. Drew made motion and Mark seconded. All ayes Motion passed.
Doug presented concrete work needing done. Area from Carr St up to tracks is to be paid from Riverboat and two other areas are to come out of 1/2 sewer and 1/2 water.
Drew made motion to adjourn and Mark seconded. All ayes.
Meeting Adjourned