Meeting called to order by President, Floyd Fox, on Monday Sept. 9, 2019 at 6:30pm. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance. All council members present.
Public hearing on budget was presented.
Minutes of August 12,2019 were presented to Council. Minutes were approved as written. Deb made the motion to approve with Drew seconding. All ayes. Minutes approved.
Claims/Financials/Payroll: After review of the claims presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Deb Shumate, seconded by Drew Olman. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Town Manager's Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Marshal Wilson.
Milan Park Board Report: Same presented bv Deb Shumate.
Concerns/Comments from the public: The issue of speeding on Mill Rd. was presented to Council. Floyd asked Lynn to draft ordinance to install 4 way stop. Dave Kelly voiced his concern about property that needs cleaned up. He also, stated the work at his house has been completed and time will tell if it is going to work. He gave a check for $300.00 to the town to help cover the cost. He voiced his opinion that the appointment of Andrew Olman was not done correctly. He feels that Drew was appointed to ensure the placement of another police officer. Mr. Kelly stated he felt that John Nickols should not have been able to be part of the decision making because he was a reserve officer. Mr. Kelly wanted to know if the Town was interested in purchasing the golf course. If so, he would pledge $100,000.00 to the Town.
Sally Gosmeyer asked what was going on with the hole on Franklin Street. John Ingram stated they are waiting on a home to be placed. Mrs. Gosmeyer also stated that the Town website needs to be updated and the sign for the old Bruns store still needs taken down. John stated that he and Rodney Crabtree have looked at removing it and Duke Energy will have to be contacted.
Old/Continuing Business:
Ordinance for sanitation increase was discussed. Attorney Fledderman will draft ordinance.
Pike Lumber tax abatement was discussed. Deb made motion to approve by Resolution 9-9-2019 R1, Drew seconded. All Ayes.
New Business:
High Point Health gave a presentation on the new cancer treatment center coming to Lawrenceburg.
Expansion to the Paramedic property in Milan was discussed. The county is considering an expansion to the existing building.
Solicitation request for Friends of Milan Football was presented to Council. Deb Shumate made motion to approve and waive fee, Drew seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.
Miscellaneous Business:
Cost to repair pump at Community Park lift station $2370.00. Deb made motion to repair pump and Drew seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.
Deb made motion to adjourn, Drew seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned.