Meeting called to order by Deborah Shumate, Council President, on Monday Nov. 18, 2019 at 6:30pm. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance. All Council members present.
Debbie Shumate introduced newly appointed Council member Mark Marsee.
Minutes of Oct. 14, 2019 were presented. Minutes were approved as written. Drew Olman making the motion with Debbie Shumate seconding. All ayes.
Claims/Financials/Payroll: After review of the claims/payroll presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Mark Marsee, seconded by Drew Olman. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Town Manager's Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager. John presented to Council the proposal for Engineering. Proposal was approved by a motion from Drew Olman and a second from Mark Marsee. Drew motioned to pay from Riverboat fund with approval from Mark Marsee. All ayes. Quotes for purchase of bush hog were presented to Council. Mark made motion to purchase from Thompson, Drew seconded. All ayes. Purchase to be paid from Riverboat fund by a motion from Drew and a second from Mark. All ayes.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Phillip Wilson.
Milan Park Board Report: Same presented by Joyce Call.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Sally Gosmeyer asked if the damaged tree by Hog Rock has been fixed and John said he would take care of it. She wanted to thank John for taking down the baskets for The Beautification Comm.
Phyllis Coe commented about the good job at picking up leaves by the Town and asked about the spot on Krick Dr. needing repair. John informed her that Krick Drive Was scheduled for repair through the Community Crossing Grant.
Old Business:
Ordinance 10-14-2019-2 (Sanitation Increase) second reading was adopted by a motion by Drew and seconded by Mark. All ayes.
New Business:
John Ingram was appointed as the representative to the SIRPC by a motion from Mark and a second from Drew. All ayes.
Miscellaneous Business:
Deb Shumate addressed the issue of needing someone to take over the fireworks.
Ben Starkey from Troop #631 presented his proposal of installing work out equipment along the walking trail for his Eagle Scout project. Motion to approve was made by Drew and seconded by Mark. All ayes.
Drew moves to adjourn meeting, Mark seconds. All Ayes
Meeting adjourned.