Meeting called to order by Don Call, council President, on Monday Apr. 8, 2019 at 6:30pm. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance. All Council members present.
Minutes of March 11, 2019 were presented to Council. Minutes from February Meetings were approved as written. Deb Shumate making the motion to approve with Floyd Fox seconding. All ayes. Minutes approved.
Claims/Financials/payroll: After review Of the claims presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Floyd Fox, seconded by Deb Shumate. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Town Manager's Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager. Floyd asked if John knew when Smoke testing would take place. John informed Council that no date has been set.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Marshal Wilson. Don call asked if the police dept could monitor the traffic after school. He said there are people driving fast down Mill Rd. after school is dismissed.
Milan Park Board Report: No report.
Concerns/Comments from the public:Phyllis Coe asked if we had purchased any new meters. John stated we had already ordered and installed some new meters. She asked about the cost and if private citizens could purchase their own, because her bill always runs high.
Old Business:
New Website - Debby Shumate stated the Web Site is close to completion and he is needing a few things.
Floyd gave an update on the Community Crossing Grant. The Town of Milan was denied a Grant and will reapply for the upcoming Grant.
New Business:
Solicitation request for the Milan Summer Baseball was not submitted and was tabled.
Garbage contract renewal was brought to the attention of Council. Debby Shumate stated that after talking with various Town that shared pick up would not be feasible. John was instructed to review documents presented by Larry Eaton and make any needed changes. Council would like to add additional heavy trash days. Company Bids are to reflect current and additional changes. Further discussion was tabled until Special Meeting on 4/11/19, by a motion from Floyd Fox and seconded by Debby Shumate.
Miscellaneous Business: Jerrod Rigdon submitted to Council his proposed Eagle Scout project. He would like to build a floating dock on the Milan Pond. Floyd Fox made motion to approve, Debby Shumate seconded. All ayes. Phyllis Coe asked about insurance. Don Call stated it would fall under the Town's General Liability insurance.
Floyd Fox made motion to adjourn, Debby Shumate seconded. All ayes.
Meeting adjourned.