Meeting called to order by Noel Houze, council President, on Monday March 12, 2018 at 6:30 pm. All Council members present. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.
Noel welcomed and recognized Boy Scout Troop #631.
Minutes of February 12, 2018 were presented. There being no correction to said minutes,
Melissa Baker motion to approve, Don Call seconded. All ayes. Minutes approved as written.
Claims/Financials: After review Of the bills/claims presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Melissa Baker, seconded by Don Call. All ayes. Motion carried.
Town Manager's Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Phillip Wilson, Town Officer.
Milan Park Board Report: Same as presented by Debby Schumate.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Old Business:
Street Rename was tabled until the last property owner can be notified. Clerk instructed to have notice posted with documentation on door to dwelling.
107 Clark Street-John Ingram asked Attorney Lynn Fledderman what would be the correct procedure to follow as to moving forward with having the property cleaned up. 1 st option would be to have the building deemed unsafe by an inspection. 2nd option would be to go under Ordinance of Public Nuisance. This would show the property being an unsafe hazard to children. Council asked John Ingram to send a violation letter to the property owners giving a time frame to correct violations. Lynn Fledderman informed the Council we could then take legal actions. Noel asked what kind of time frame this would involve. Lynn Fledderman informed Council the Ordinance did not state a time frame. She suggested 30 days to correct and to keep documentation of notification attempts.
New Business:
Doug Price presented to Council a renewal permit with the State. Council approved renewal with a motion from Melissa Baker and a second by Don Call. All ayes.
Three solicitation requests were presented to Council. First was Milan Youth Football for
4/28/18 from 9-12. Second was Milan Youth Cheer 4/14/18 from 9-12. Third was Milan Summer Baseball 5/12/18 from 9-12. All fees were waived. Motion for approval on all request was made by Melissa Baker. Seconded by Don Call. All ayes
Misc. Business:
John Ingram informed Council he had talked to Randy Roberts concerning a new State law that took effect on Dec. 31. This law requires the Town to provide Workers Comp. insurance for all reserve officers. Randy will keep us informed as to the procedure to follow.
Noel Houze informed the audience that heavy trash pick-up will be 4/21/18. He also informed everyone he had completed and sent in all the required paperwork for the Community Crossing Grant.
Melissa Baker motion to adjourn with Don Call seconding. All ayes. Meeting Adjourned.