Meeting called to order by Noel Houze, council President, on Monday February 12, 2018 at
6:30pm. All Council members present. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes Of January 8, 2018 were presented. There being no corrections to said minutes, Don Call made motion to approve, Melissa Baker seconded. All ayes. Minutes approved as written.
Claims/FinanciaIs: After review of the bills/claims presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Melissa Baker, seconded by Don Call. All Ayes. Motion carried.
Town Manager's Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Phillip Wilson, Town Officer.
Milan Park Board Report: Same presented by Debby Schumate.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Kate Stock spoke on behalf of Milan Elementary School concerning the triathlon being held
April 28, 2018. She wanted to inform the Town that the children will be riding their bikes along Carr St. to Pike Lumber. Noel Houze suggested to Officer Wilson that an officer be present to slow traffic. Officer Wilson said they would have officers present.
Jane Vinup asked for an update on the Rental Ordinance. Noel informed her that John was still working on collecting information on property owners. A question arose concerning the residents in the trailer court and those renting land where owned trailers sat. Would these be subject to inspection? As the Ordinance reads now, they would qualify to be included in the inspection.
Old Business:
Property owner, Bill Wagner, asked the Council why the two blocks chosen were to be renamed Kohlmeier Way? Don Call informed him because of the location to the Kohlmeier home. Mr. Wagner voiced his concern about the inconvenience to the business at his location in regards to changing all business mailing. Clerk informed Council that there were two property owners still not notified. Noel asked to have those owners notified by service from the Milan Police Dept. Officer Wilson was informed to deliver notifications to current occupants.
Second reading of Ordinance 2018-01-08-1 was presented. Don Call made motion to accept. Melissa Baker seconded. Motion passed. All ayes.
Election Ordinance was presented to Council. There being some confusion as to Districts and
Townships, the Ordinance was tabled until more information is obtained. Clerk is to contact County Election officials and find out how many districts we have and what are they. Don Call made motion to table, Melissa Baker seconded. All ayes.
Bids were presented to Council on the resurfacing and Culvert projects. Don Call suggested tabling opening of bids because of the omission of the bond requirements. Bidders present answered most questions concerning bonds. Don Call made motion not to table with Melissa Baker seconding. Bids were opened, but, because of the number of bids presented, Council will take all under advisement and make a final decision at a later date. Noel Houze made suggestion to meet again in two weeks to make final decision.
Doug Price presented his previous request for a mixer for the Sewer Plant. Noel wanted justification on spending such a large amount of money. John Ingram suggested doing more research on the request. Don Call made a motion to table until additional information is presented, Melissa Baker seconded. All ayes.
New Business:
Solicitation request for Ladies Auxiliary on 5/26/18 was approved and fees waived. Motion was made by Melissa Baker and seconded by Don Call. All ayes. Don Call moves to adjourn meeting, Melissa Seconds. All Ayes
Meeting adjourned.