Meeting called to order by Noel Houze, council President, on Monday June 12, 2017 at 6:30pm. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of May 8, 2017 were presented. There being no correction to said minutes, Melissa Baker made motion to approve, Don Call seconded. All ayes.
Claims/Financials: After review of the bills presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Don Call, seconded by Melissa Baker. All Ayes. Motion carried
Town Manager's Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager. Tim Bentle will be hired to replace Brady Cook. Water boil will be in effect until probably tomorrow. Water Emergency Contingency Plan signed by Council after motion made by Melissa Baker and seconded by Don Call. All Ayes. Copy will be sent to Patrick Rose.
Ordinance 2017-6-12-2 presented to Council. Melissa Baker made motion to approve 1st reading with Don Call seconding. All ayes.
Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Phillip Wilson, Town Officer.
Milan Park Board Report: Report given by Don Call.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Sandy Siebert addressed Council concerning the tap to the property at 506 Ripley, stating as of yet it has not been done. She had asked for tap at the previous Town Meeting. John Ingram informed Council that he had tried to contact Ms. Siebert and had been unable. He needs additional information to proceed with request. Also, concern was voiced concerning repairs on Vine St. Noel Houze told her we have to wait until funding comes through from INDOT and the streets needing repair will be fixed in the order of which need fixing the most.
The old Chris Volz farm was discussed with the Council, stating that it is in need of clean up. Weeds and trees are growing out of control.
Phyllis Coe thanked the Town for the road improvement at St Charles.
Old Business:
No business presented.
New Business:
Roger Hilligoss presented info plan on AFLAC and asked Council permission to meet with employees. Melissa Baker made motion to allow with Don Call seconding. Clerk shall set time for employees to meet with Mr. Hillgoss if wanting info.
Jeff Lanham (Hog Rock) came before Council to ask permission to close off road for charity run on the 24th of June for approx. one hour. Don Call gave motion to approve request with Melissa Baker seconding. Noel Houze asked Mr. Lanham to contact the County concerning help with traffic at the stop light in Town.
Lifetime Resources request for funding for the 2018 Budget was presented to Council. Melissa Baker made motion to approve with Don Call seconding.
Community Crossing Grant was discussed. We need to know what we can commit to in order to proceed. Discussion was tabled until additional information is gathered.
Ordinance 6-12-17-1 presented to Council. Melissa Baker makes motion to suspend rules, Don Call seconded. All ayes. Both first and second reading was approved. Melissa Baker made motion to accept with Don Call seconding. All ayes.
Milan Dollars for Scholars request for solicitation was approved by Council. Melissa Baker made motion to approve and waive cost with Don Call seconding. All ayes.
Melissa Baker thanked Jeff Lanham (Hog Rock) for their continued support of the Lions Club 4th of July Parade by allowing them use of their electricity.
Melissa Baker moves to adjourn meeting and Don Call Seconds. Meeting adjourned