Meeting called to order by Noel Houze, council President, on Monday May 9, 2016 at 6:30pm. All council members present. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of April 11, 2016 were presented. There being no correction to said minutes, they were approved.
Council members present were Don Call and Noel Houze.
Claims/Financials: After review of the bills presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Don Call, seconded by Noel Houze. All Ayes. Motion carried
Town Manager's Report: presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.
Town Marshall's Report: presented by Gary Skaggs, Town Marshal
Park Board: No members present. Don Call gave a notice of Officers elected. Debby Shumate/president, Anna Burress/Vice-President, Joyce Call/treasurer and Donna Stanley/Secretary.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Drew Ollman voiced his concern concerning Maple St and Lakeview still in need of repair. John Ingram assured him they will fix the road as soon as possible. They are really behind because of all the rain and shortage of help. Noel Houze wondered if Probation help could work on this problem. Roselyn Mckittrick asked why we don't hire additional help. Noel Houze said maybe we could look into this in the future. She also asked if we have paper to mail to property owners who are not keeping up their properties?
Sally Gosmeyer noted her appreciation for all the work the town has done and also, that the Elem. School K-5 would like to come to Town Hall and plant flowers.
Discussion continued about hiring a new person to help and about potholes and unkempt properties
Roselyn Mckittrick noted the property across the street from the Museum had been purchased and they are in the process of installing a basketball goal.
Old Business:
Comcast presented the Council with the new proposal for internet and phones.
ETC had prepared a presentation to present to the Council.
The new printer/scanner for the Town Hall was discussed with Don Call motioning to replace and accept bid from Office Shop with Noel Houze seconding. All Ayes.
New Business:
Clerk presented Application for Solicitation submitted by Nancy Hershman Scholarship. The Organization would like to reserve the Nov. 19, 2016 date. Don motions to accept and waive fee. Noel seconds. All ayes.
Resolution on transfer of property needs approved. Melissa motions to approve. Don seconds.
Misc. Business:
DLR signature.
Bids on garbage specs: 2 bids from Rumpke and Bestway. Don motions to delay decision until Special meeting. Noel seconds. All ayes.
Resolution on Pike Lumber: Don motions to accept with Noel seconding. All ayes.
Gary Skaggs asks that Spillman be added to the Agenda for the Special meeting.
Don Call makes a motion to adjourn as there were no more issues. Noel Houze seconds. All ayes.
Meeting Adjourned...