Meeting called to order by Paul Hildebrand, council President, on Monday April 13, 2015 at 6:30pm. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of March 9, 2015 were read. Minutes from March Meeting were approved as written.
Claims/Financials: After review of the utility bills presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Robert Branigan, seconded by Paul Hildebrand. All Ayes Motion carried. After review of the town bills presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Robert Branigan, seconded by Paul Hildebrand. Motion Carries with all ayes.
Town Manager’s Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.
Town Marshall’s Report: Same presented by Gary Skaggs, Town Marshall.
Milan Park Board Report: No Board Present.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Sally Gosmeyer would like to ask about the recent article in the newspaper about a new park board. Paul Hildebrand states the board has not appointed any one to the park board and states he has not seen the newspaper. Sally informs him that according to the paper there were officers appointed and they had many wonderful ideas. Paul states that the women he had spoken to about being on the park board decided they did not want to be on the board before they were appointed.
Alex Poole informs board about recent ideas from Ripley county Tourism to have the water tower painted. The board states they do not care if various ideas are inquired about. The board states that painting the water tower has not been in the front of the issues they are dealing with.
Dennis Billingsley and son asked board for permission to have a garage on their property rezoned to commercial for the purpose of a gunsmith shop. They state they have contacted the County zoning board and were informed that the town has the ultimate decision. Paul states he would like to see a plan at the next board meeting before making a decision.
Old Business:
All Documents have been entered for the CSX grant and we are still waiting to hear back form CSX.
Lifetime resource request tabled until next meeting.
New Business:
Paul moves to allow variance for Gemmer Sign. Bob Seconds. All Ayes
Paul would like Thank you letters sent to Baylor’s for the flag grant and Pike as well as mulch company for helping at park.
Paul moves to buy water meters out of infrastructure riverboat. Bob Seconds. All Ayes.
County Highway has a dura patcher that fills cracks and spiders for sale. John states it will help the roads last longer because they will have a more efficient way of fixing the spots before they become potholes. He states they are asking $4,000.00. Bob moves to allow purchase from equipment fund riverboat, Paul seconds. All Ayes.
Paul moves to approve and waive fees for both solicitation requests, Bob seconds. All Ayes
Alex Poole would like to attend Clerk Treasurers School in Indianapolis on May 12, 2015 for a cost of $105.00 plus travel. Paul moves to allow pay from rainy day fund riverboat, Bob Seconds. All Ayes.
Gary Skaggs submits multiple quotes for a new police vehicle, as well as prices for lights and various necessary equipment. Paul states that since one of the bids is from his place of employment he will not vote due to conflict of interest. Due to Bob being only other member present it will be tabled for a special meeting to be determined.
Paul moves to adjourn, Bob Seconds. Meeting Adjourned.