Town of Milan Monthly Meeting Minutes, November 10, 2014

Meeting called to order by Paul Hildebrand, council President, on Monday November 11, 2014 at 6:30pm. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes of October 13, 2014 were read. There being no correction to said minutes, they were approved.

Claims/Financials: After review of the utility bills presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Paul Hildebrand, seconded by Robert Branigan. All Ayes Motion carried. After review of the town bills presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Robert Branigan, seconded by Paul Hildebrand. Motion Carries with all ayes. Paul motions to pay the regional revenue claims, seconded by Baker.

Town Manager’s Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.

Town Marshall’s Report: Same presented by Gary Skaggs, Town Marshall.

Milan Park Board Report: Yatzie submitted resignation letter.

Concerns/Comments from the public:

Sally Gosmeyer asks about the park bathrooms since the park board president resigned. Paul said that project should move forward with no issues.

Sally Gosmeyer asks about signs at the corners. Sally would like to know if they have to ask permission to place signs like “Now Hiring.” Paul stated that it depends on the property. Sally states they are along the edge of the road. Paul tells John he may remove those signs.

Sally Gosmeyer expressed gratitude to John for picking up leaves around town.

Irv states that his garbage was not picked up on Friday and that this has happened before. Paul states he needs to call right away so we can have Rumpke stop back by. John states he will come empty the can.

Alan Hoffman expresses concern about cat issue in town. He states Osgood has an oridance but they haven’t had to get rid of any cats yet. Alan states someone could get hurt by the cat and the town could be liable. Larry states the town has no liability in the matter. Robert Branigan states he doesn’t believe that at this moment it’s the towns concern. Alan would like to ask who is going to pay his vet bill from his dog dislocating his shoulder after chasing a cat. Larry again states the town is not liable.


Larry Eaton has not heard from CSX but believes the deal should work. He is waiting to hear back from the grant but says it looks better than ever.

Paul inquires about Tim Alward. Larry states he is waiting to see if Alward asks for his money form the court. Larry states he can advance with it. Robert Branigan asks that they are two months overdue and wants Larry to go to court to ask for it to be torn down. Larry states he will look further into the matter.

701 Wood St appraisal – Larry states he is still working on it. Death in the family of the appraiser has slowed the progress.

Paul brings up water bill write offs. Melissa is working on a new form for the deposit. We need to re do ordinance to 30 days for shut offs.

Paul makes a motion to go forward with the write offs and Melissa seconds it. All Ayes and motion passes.

Alex Presents Keystone Back up Emergency plan. Paul motions to sign contract with Keystone. Melissa Seconds, all ayes and motion passes.

Paul moves to reappoint John to Ripley county Economic Development, Bob Seconds. All Ayes and motion passes.

Paul Moves to continue with Economic Development plan. Baker Seconds, All Ayes and motion carries.

New Business:

Satolli presents history in your own back yard, which is business that goes to tri state towns to create historic videos. The cost is 999.00. Paul states that the town cannot take on such a project at the moment. Sally Gosmeyer states that the Beautification committee may be interested in it. Alex Volunteers to work with Sally to find funding from local businesses.

In order to claim the broken Hydrant on Main St they need a police report. Gary has contacted office Dale Holbert to request the report but has not heard back from him. Pauls states he will call and put in a request for it. Paul would like to confirm that the person who hit the hydrant doesn’t carry insurance before the town foots the bill.

Paul motions to allow Gary to purchase new fire arms with an upgrade fee of $90.00. Bob seconds. Motion carries with all Ayes.

Paul states that anything over 5,000 needs to be inventoried and we need to have a master list with all assets listed.

Alex requests that any time the board needs to hold a special meeting that it be sent via email so there can be a paper trail with a time stamp. Board states they understand and will start doing this.

Larry is looking into the sewer lien compliance to make sure we are compliant.

Paul moves to adjourn meeting and Bob Seconds. Meeting adjourned.