Meeting called to order by Paul Hildebrand, council President, on Monday July 14, 2014 at 6:30pm. Robert Branigan absent from meeting. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of June 9th, 2014 were read. There being no additions, corrections, or deletions to said minutes, they were approved.
Claims/Financials: After review of the utility bills presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Paul Hildebrand, seconded by Melissa Baker. Motion carried. After review of the town bills presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Paul Hildebrand, seconded by Melissa Baker. Motion Carried. Paul motions to pay the regional revenue claims, seconded by Baker.
Town Manager’s Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.
Town Marshall’s Report: Same presented by Gary Skaggs, Town Marshall.
Milan Park Board Report: Park Board Absent from meeting.
Paul would like to let everyone know that Bob Branigan is absent due to family illness and that we should keep Robert in our thoughts while he is going through a rough time.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Seaver’s have a permit for a mobile home at 524 Vine St. and they need sewer hookups that come to the home. John states he is unsure of where the sewer pipe runs on that property due to not having a map. The Seavers ask the board to explore possible options to find the pipe. John states that he can call Osgood to see if they have a sewer camera the town could borrow. Paul states that if Osgood can’t do it then to contact a company who can. John is given a timeline of one week to have this addressed.
Anita Pitts asks about mobile home development that the Seaver’s have just mentioned. Paul states that they are good landlords and maintain property well. Paul states that particular lot needed a lot of work and welcomes the new homes.
Anita Pitts brings attention to 107 Clark Street. She states she noticed it was mowed and would like to ask how to get into touch with owners in order to get it cleaned up. Larry Eaton states he will look into the matter.
Rita Esther inquires about the recent article about the lowering of the lake. She states the article says they are lowering the lake to fix the dam. The board states this is not correct. They state the DNR is lowering the lake to buy more time for us to fix the dam. The DNR is tired of waiting on CSX. It is brought up to advertise the lake issues on and wrbi radio in order to raise more awareness.
Anita Pitts wants to raise awareness that Milan has a number of renters and people trying to make ends meet. She believes we should do more door to door surveys to make it easier on the residents.
A concerned resident would like to make the board aware that Golfview Drive needs to be sealed.
Sally Gossmeyer inquired about hiring a second hand to help John with work around town.
Lifetime would like to ask the town for funding. She states that this program helps many people in Milan and will continue to help many people in Milan.
Old Business:
Paul moves to approve Anthem as the new health insurance carrier. Melissa seconds the motion.
Paul moves to adjourn and Melissa seconds the motion.