Meeting called to order by Paul Hildebrand, Council President, on Monday, April 14, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. All town council members were present with the exception of Matt Huffman. All Present joined in giving the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of March 17th, 2014 were read. There being no additions, corrections, or deletions to said minutes, they were approved.
Claims/Financials: After review of the utility bills presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Paul Hildebrand, second by Robert Branigan. Motion carried. After review of the town bills presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Paul Hildebrand, second by Robert Branigan. Motion carried.
Town Manager’s report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.
Town Marshal’s Report: Same presented by Robert Branigan.
Milan Park Board Report: Park board absent from meeting.
Concerns/Comments from the public:
Phyllis Coe spoke to the board regarding an issue she had brought up a few months ago about the building next to her. She stated that the windows facing the rail road were broken and it was allowing rain into her building. The board responded by stating they had spoken with the owner and the necessary repairs were to be completed by June 2014.
Randy Broughton recently bought farm land behind Jay C’s. Randy is requesting permission to burn for purposes of clearing the land for farming. Paul Hildebrand stated that as long as he kept small fires and made sure that the wind was not carrying the smoke towards the school, the town has an ordinance to allow controlled burns. Paul Hildebrand moves to allow, second by Robert Branigan. Motion passed.
Donyelle Robinson requested June 28th, 2014 and June 7th, 2014 to solicit the intersection of 101 and 350 for purposes of raising money for the Milan Little League Baseball. Paul Hildebrand motion to allow and waive the fee, second by Robert Branigan. Motion carried.
Phyllis Coe wanted to bring attention to Mill Road. Phyllis stated that there are many big pot holes that need attention.
Old Business:
Board received and accepted a Letter of Resignation from Chris Kelly from his position on the Park Board.
Updated on the Milan Dam project. The town received a quote of 8,000 dollars from Christopher Burke Engineering for a study of the dam. Robert Branigan motioned to approve the study, second by Paul Hildebrand. Motion passed.
Paul Hildebrand motions to table IACT dues until the May meeting, second by Robert Branigan.
New Business:
Keystone computer program is discussed for uses by clerk. Paul moves to purchase Keystone for Payroll purposes and without utilities, second by Robert Branigan. Motion passed.
Paul Hildebrand moves to pay Matt for installing windows 7 onto office computers, second by Robert Branigan. Motion passed.
Robert Branigan moves to adjourn meeting, second by Paul Hildebrand. Meeting Adjourned.