Town of Milan Monthly Meeting Minutes, May 13, 2019

Meeting called to order by Don Call, council President, on Monday May 13, 2019 at 6:30pm. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance. All Council members present.

First order of business: Bid openings for sanitation contract. Both bidding parties represented. Rumpke opened 1st, Bestway 2nd. After review and discussion of both bids, Council would like to table bids while Lynn looks into some matters. Floyd made motion to table, Deb seconded. All ayes.

Minutes of April, 2019 were presented to Council. Minutes from April Meetings were approved as written. Floyd making the motion to approve with Deb seconding. All ayes. Minutes approved.

Claims/Financials/Payroll: After review of the claims presented, motion to accept and pay claims made by Deb Shumate, seconded by Floyd Fox. All Ayes. Motion carried.

Town Manager's Report: Same presented by John Ingram, Town Manager.

Town Marshall's Report: Same presented by Marshal Wilson.

Milan Park Board Report: No report.

Concerns/Comments from the public: Sally Gosmeyer asked about getting the sign removed by the Dentist office. John told her, he and Rodney will see to getting it down.

Representative for the Indian Trail 5K was present and asked Council to once again ask our Police to provide escort. Don Call asked Marshall Wilson if we can do this again. Marshall Wilson said it wouldn't be a problem. Deb Shumate made motion to provide escort, Floyd seconded. All ayes.

Don Call moved back to Park Business to get approval to appoint Derek Helton to the park board. Deb made motion and Floyd seconded. All ayes.

Old Business:

Parking on Main St. by Hog Rock: Suggestion was made to extend yellow line on opposite side of street. Don asked John to contact Tom Beard concerning the extension. This matter was tabled until next meeting or at a Special meeting. Adding a stop sign was discussed. Until the matter of delivery trucks is resolved, stop will not be visible. Lynn will look into the loading and unloading requirements on the yellow line in front of Hog Rock. Stop sign is tabled until additional information is provided. Floyd Fox made motion, Debby seconded. All ayes.

First reading of Ordinance 2019-5-13 (Clarifying Littering) was presented. Debby Shumate made motion to accept, Floyd Fox seconded. All ayes

Town clean-up: Debby stated she had letter ready to send. (waiting on addresses) There will be an article in the Beacon and the Council of Churches are offering support. There will be information on the Milan web page. Debby would like to order signs to be put at various locations advertising both the website and community clean-up. Floyd made motion to purchase signs, Debby seconded. Signs will be paid from Riverboat Fund. All ayes.

Modular home Ordinance was presented to Council. Lynn informed Council we would have to follow county Ordinances, unless we do our own zoning. Ordinance was tabled by a motion from Floyd, seconded by Debby. All ayes.

5K beer garden presented to Council. After discussion, Floyd made motion to approve with Debby seconding. All ayes.

Milan Lions Club support (using Town's tax ID) was approved by a motion from Debby and a second by Floyd. All ayes.

New Business:

Replacing Officer was brought to table. Floyd made motion to table until Officer Day completes academy. Debby seconded. All ayes.

Solicitation request was approved for "Dollars for Scholars" by a motion from Floyd. Debby seconded. Motion approved with fees waived. All ayes.

Miscellaneous Business: Melanie Douglas from Commonwealth Engineering introduced herself and offered the services of her company should the need arise.

Sally Gosmeyer inquired about needed road repairs. John Ingram stated that until we can reapply for the Community Crossing Grant, the Town will be doing some patching on bad areas.

Don asked if it would be ok to ask Rumpke and Bestway to re-submit bids on heavy trash pickup for an additional 3-4. Lynn stated that if it was ok with both parties, they can re-submit by Friday 5/17/19 to review at a Special meeting. Floyd made motion to re-submit with Debby seconding. All ayes.

Floyd stated that the Income survey is on hold until we hear from Mary.

Bobby Hensley and Lisa Barker were in attendance. They are opening a restaurant and gave an update on the progress.

Rita Ester asked who to contact about street lights that are out. She was told to contact John.

Floyd Fox made motion to adjourn, Debby Shumate seconded. All ayes.

Meeting adjourned.

Town of Milan Special Meeting Minutes, May 20, 2019

Meeting called to order by Don Call, council President, on May 20,2019 at 3:00pm. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.

All council members present. Meeting was to discuss garbage contract, the upcoming income survey and solicitation request.

Both representatives from bidders were present. Bestway was first opened bid, Rumpke was second. Don Call wants to get with our attorney to discuss contracts presented. He hopes that council will be able to make a decision this week. Floyd makes a motion to table, Debby seconds. All ayes.

Floyd makes motion to allow solicitation request for Milan youth football with waiver of fees. Debby seconds. All ayes

Income survey forms were presented by Mary McCarty from SIRPC. She explained needed forms. She informed Council that they must be completed within 6 mos., maximum. There must be 35 forms submitted, with a total of 90 people.

Special meeting will be held 5/23/19 to reconsider garbage bids. Motion to do this was made by Debby Shumate and seconded by Floyd Fox. All ayes. Bidders will be notified of time.

Floyd made motion to adjourn. Debby seconded. All ayes. Meeting adjourned.

Town of Milan Special Meeting Minutes, May 23, 2019

Meeting called to order by Don Call, council President, on May 23, 2019 at 9:00 am. All Present joined in giving the pledge of Allegiance.

Both parties presenting bids were in attendance.

Floyd made motion to reject all bids. Debby seconds. All ayes.

Rumpke was asked to extend contract and offered 2 mo. extension. Floyd made offer to extend current contract, Don seconded. All ayes.

Debby Shumate made motion to reopen bidding with needed clarification on specs. Floyd seconded. All ayes.

Debby moves to adjourn, Floyd Seconds. Meeting adjourned with all ayes.

Town of Milan Special Meeting Minutes, May 31, 2019

All Council members were present. Don Call led the Pledge of Allegiance. Before the start of the meeting, Don asked Council members to be more courteous and business like in future meetings. Specifically, by letting speakers complete their comments before being cut off.

First order of business was addressing the stop sign on S. Main. After discussion of possibilities, Attorney Fledderman suggest that it would be a good idea to address all problems with individual ordinances and contact engineering firms to get ideas on how to proceed. Debby asked if we need an engineer, a stop sign will alleviate the speeding. Lynn stated that the RR tracks complicate the stop sign idea. Don suggest adding speed bumps or tables and states he feels council needs more guidance in making a decision.

Second order of business was the unloading on Main Street, including the marking of solid yellow line. Janie Vinup suggested having the trucks park in front of business and have certain times to unload. Floyd stated we need to talk to the current business owner (Beard's) and wait on decision. Debby states we need to go ahead and made decision to change markings. Don stated we need to enforce any decision and look into adding speed bumps. Attorney Fledderman informed the Council that speed bumps can be added without an ordinance.

First readings of Ordinances 2019-05-13-1 (addressing parking on east side of Main) and 2019-05-13-2 (stop sign at Main and Carr) were presented. Floyd made motion to accept, Debby seconded. All ayes.

Third order of business: Garbage contract. John presented an example of contract and asked for any changes.

Debby Shumate made motion to adjourn, Floyd seconded. All ayes.